Sunday, July 22, 2012


Hello and welcome!

Seven years ago this month, my husband and I closed on our house in the Pocono Mountains. And for the past year now, I've been blogging about my country culinary adventures.

But the adjustments to life in the Poconos wasn't just limited to my kitchen. Growing up in suburban New Jersey, a mere hour away from my home now, I wouldn't have guessed that things could be so different.

But they were.

It didn't take long, though, to adjust to life in the Poconos. I was working from home when we first moved, and the time at home gave me a chance to get to know the area, and I quickly found appreciation for the slower pace of life. And now, 7 years later, I can't imagine going back to the hustle and bustle of life before the move.

A few weeks ago I read Susan McCorkindale's memoir 500 Acres and No Place to Hide. Now granted, my experience had some major differences from Susan's: I moved to Pennsylvania, not Virginia, and my place is nowhere near 500 acres. But prior to our moves we had both lived in suburban New Jersey and spent our days working in the city -- Susan, New York City, me, Jersey City. And despite 499.5 acres and the state, I could relate to her stories of adjustment to country life. (Although we already got our Starbucks, and she's still waiting.)

And even though it has been seven years, I'm still adjusting to life out here. Sometimes because it's so different from suburban New Jersey, and sometimes because the area is starting to resemble suburban New Jersey -- much to my dismay.

So I decided to create this blog to share my stories of adjustment, both past and present. And maybe you'll get a kick out of period of adjustment.

Seven years and counting.